Any PB & ADO gurus?

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You were so helpful for me before (thx Jason) I was hoping someone might
get me unstuck again so I can get to the fun part of writing code.

A little background.  I bought PowerBASIC years ago because I wanted a
good compiler.  But I find PB to be both ugly and incomplete.

While I've always liked the core C language, I find it gets dirty quickly.

Euphoria is very clean and well named.  It is euphoric writing code
with such a flexible data type and it isn't cluttered with a lot of junk.

Anyway, to my issue; Here's the PB (double ugly IMHO) code...

    ON ERROR GOTO ErrorTrap

    LET m_db = NEW DISPATCH IN "ADODB.Connection.2.7"
    LET m_rs = NEW DISPATCH IN "ADODB.Recordset.2.7"

    MSGBOX "CommandTimeout start"  'debug code
    v1 = 120
    OBJECT LET m_db.CommandTimeout = v1
    MSGBOX "CommandTimeout done"    'debug code

    v1 = 3  '%ado_Use_Client
    OBJECT LET m_db.CursorLocation = v1
    v1 = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _
          & "Data Source=" & sPath & "; " _
          & "User ID=ADMIN; " _
          & "Password=;"
    OBJECT LET m_db.ConnectionString = v1
    OBJECT CALL m_db.Open
    dbOpen = 1  'success

    dbOpen = 0  'failure
    LET m_db = NOTHING
When I originally wrote this the param sPath was AS STRING, but Euphoria's
allocate_string produces the PB type ASCIIZ so I changed that.

This code works fine called from PB, but when called from Euphoria it
fails on the line...     OBJECT LET m_db.CommandTimeout = v1

I added the two messageboxes to bracket the problem.  Called from 
Euphoria it never gets to the second messagebox.

I'm baffled since disregarding the ugly syntax the line is pretty
straight forward.  Any ideas?

Alternately, does anyone have another way of using ADO recordset
from Euphoria?  It would be nice if I could access any SQL db with
just a new connection string as I can with this code.

Why not use an EDB (anticipating your question) db?  A number of reasons,
basically because I know how to do safe multiuser calls to a SQL db,
but don't see how that would work with an EDB.  I'd be interested in
that question as well.  Hey, I'm interested in lots of things...  blink

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