- Posted by me <fork at UNIX.TAMU.EDU> Sep 13, 1998
Hawke, I haven't had a chance to implement your code just yet, however I did find this: Setting width to 640 and heighth to 480, and running mode 257 results in no errors. I write to the last row and column, without errors using this method. It is only running mode 261 at 1024 x 768 that seems to do it. Running in mode 261 w/ 1024x768 results in a Windows Error: Ex This program has performed an illegal operation and will be terminated. Quit all programs, and then restart your computer. Blah, blah, blah, you get the point Not a causeway error (which I get through incorrect use of se_mem_copy). This sounds more like an OS problem rather than Euphoria. thanks noah