Re: Please help a newbie with SVGA ... :)

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Welcome, -== all kinds of other chitchat in here ==-

>Anywho. My problem is with the SVGA modes, 256+. I can't get any of them
>to work! Whenever I try to use them, ie with graphics_mode(), I can only
>use the top 1/3 of the screen ... the rest is unaccessable. I have no
>idea why this is ... I can use SVGA modes on various other things, like
>games, so I know it isn't my graphics card. It's a ATI Rage II with
>2megs of RAM, if that matters.

I myself have an Ati Rage Pro, however it seems Win98 defaults to Ati Rage
II for the drivers.
If you go to you can find the latest win95 and win98
drivers, beta openGL icd (about time.. but they still got to get it to work
with Unreal, of which the OpenGL is still in Alpha fase). But most
interestingly they have an Vesa program esspecially designed for Ati
programs, which (for me) helped me to get a few SVGA programs running that
used Pete's Mighty.e (the demo program of Irv's WindoZ was all screwed up on
the screen)

>I tried using Univbe VESA and use_vesa(), but that gave me an illegal
>operation under Win95 ... so I rebooted to DOS mode, and it locked up my
>system rather soundly, so I had to reboot.

Get the specific univbe dos driver and use use_vesa () if that really really
doesnt work, then you can go back to the shop with it.

Good luck with your Euphoric experience blink and with your Ati-card..

(the performance is really ok, but their support of OpenGL: slow and not
holding up to the 3D-fx standard makes it pretty annoying to me, the reason
I have it, was that it was bunndled with my pc, marketing.. yak what do I
hate that word, its eating up this world, people producing nothing other
than brainwashing material.. oh well.. enough wining..

BTW David, I kind of agree with you about the dots, only im allergic to
dots, they remind me of all kinds of weird java and cpp trauma's. Cant we
use ',' or '~' ?

Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at
UIN: 9389920

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