multitasking delays [warning:kinda long]

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Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen wrote:
>To wait for a key-press:
>include get.e ?wait_key()
>very multi-tasking friendly..
>(esspecially a preemtive one like win95)..
>include machine.e
> tick_rate (150) -- Increase time () accuracy
> procedure wait (atom t)
>     t = t + time ()
>     while t < time () do end while
> end procedure
>Maybe somebody can make a multi-tasking friendly version of this ?

On this note, for the benefit of the new members
on the list, I made a small program that demonstrates
a number of euphoria features, most notably how to
have multiple different time delays that are
multitasking friendly, precise, and independant.
It allows you to have any number of 'processes'
doing different things, for any individual
length of time.  Basically, it's a variation
of the theme of multitasking presented by
the language wars program included with Euph.
This is sort of a summary to that concept.
It also demonstrates the basic premise behind
screen flipping, how to operate on sequences
in whole or part, function independence,
and rudimentary collision detection.
No, none of these concepts are presented
either in full or as best they could be (i'm sure)
but, for those new to Euph, I'm hoping
the code can answer "how do I..." questions
of syntax, data manipulation/display...etc...
One caveat: for some reason, even with page
flipping, there is still a fair amount of
flicker... I'm thinking that text mode has
a real real low refresh rate...anyone?

If you think this code sucks, think quietly. :)
take care all-- Hawke'
(now, back to truecolor mouse driver coding--blech)
ps:Pete, I'm gonna have to rip-off/shred/thrash
    mighty.e and parts thereof to make trumouse.e
    work... your machine code interrupt snagging
    is just too nice...k?

----------------BEGIN CODE--------------------
include machine.e
include get.e
include image.e
constant TickSec = 1000,         --1000 ticks per second
         NumShips = 10,          --10 independent timers (10 ships)
         TRUE=1, FALSE=0, SCR=1,
         UP=1, DOWN=2, LEFT=3, RIGHT=4,
         FACINGS={"Up   ","Down ","Left ","Right"},
         MaxX = 80, MaxY = 23
sequence Timers, Ships
integer  Quit, Score, Facing, PlrX, PlrY, ActivePage, DEBUG
atom     Key, TimeNow, TimeThen, TimePassed, GameOverTime

function BoundsX(integer x)
   if    x<1    then return 1
   elsif x>MaxX then return MaxX
   else return x
   end if
end function

function BoundsY(integer y)
   if    y<1    then return 1
   elsif y>MaxY then return MaxY
   else return y
   end if
end function

function Shoot(integer x, integer y, integer faces, sequence data)
integer start,finish,found,vert
   found = FALSE
   if    faces=UP    then start=1 finish=y    vert=TRUE
   elsif faces=DOWN  then start=y finish=MaxY vert=TRUE
   elsif faces=LEFT  then start=1 finish=x    vert=FALSE
   elsif faces=RIGHT then start=x finish=MaxX vert=FALSE
   end if
   for test = start to finish do
       if vert then found = find({x,test},data)
       else found = find({test,y},data)
       end if
       if found then return found end if  --need to bug out, gotta hit
   end for
   return found --most likely a missed target at this point
end function

function MoveShip(integer index, sequence data)
   return data
end function

Quit  =FALSE
Score =0
PlrX  =rand(MaxX)
PlrY  =rand(MaxY)
Ships =repeat({1,1},NumShips)   --ship positions on game board
Timers=repeat(0,NumShips)       --a set of independent timers
for shipnum = 1 to NumShips do  --0.5 to 1.5 sec delays for ship
   Timers[shipnum] = rand(TickSec) + (TickSec/2)
   Ships[shipnum]  = {rand(MaxX),rand(MaxY)}
end for
TimeNow   =time()
TimeThen  =TimeNow
TimePassed=TimeNow - TimeThen
GameOverTime = time() + 60*TickSec --60 seconds for game play

while Quit = FALSE do
   --flip pages from 0 to 1 to 0 etc...
        ActivePage = not ActivePage
   --note:x,y reversed as position wants line,col...blech
   for index = 1 to NumShips do
   end for
   position(PlrY,PlrX) puts  (SCR,'X')
   position(MaxY+1,1)  printf(SCR,"Score:%d",Score)
   position(MaxY+1,30) puts  (SCR,FACINGS[Facing])
   if DEBUG then
      position (MaxY+1,40)
      printf( SCR,"Now:%10.3f,Then:%10.3f,Passed:%10.3f",
              {TimeNow,   TimeThen,   TimePassed} )
   end if
   Key = get_key()
   if    Key='8' then PlrY=PlrY-1 PlrY=BoundsY(PlrY) Facing=UP
   elsif Key='2' then PlrY=PlrY+1 PlrY=BoundsY(PlrY) Facing=DOWN
   elsif Key='4' then PlrX=PlrX-1 PlrX=BoundsX(PlrX) Facing=LEFT
   elsif Key='6' then PlrX=PlrX+1 PlrX=BoundsX(PlrX) Facing=RIGHT
   elsif Key=' ' then
        if Shoot(PlrX,PlrY,Facing,Ships) then Score=Score+1 end if
   elsif Key='D' then DEBUG=TRUE --turn on debugging
   elsif Key='Q' then Quit =TRUE --:( _sniff_
   end if

   --game time up??? time to move a ship??
   --the heart of this venture: the timers update...
   TimeNow = time() * TickSec
   if GameOverTime <= TimeNow then Quit = TRUE end if
   TimePassed = TimeNow - TimeThen
   Timers = Timers - TimePassed      --count them all down
   for shipnum = 1 to NumShips do    --anything ready to blast off?
        if Timers[shipnum] <= 0 then
           Ships = MoveShip(shipnum,Ships)
           Timers[shipnum]=rand(TickSec) + (TickSec/2)
        end if
   end for
   TimeThen = TimeNow
end while

--end of game
puts  (SCR,"Thanks For Playing\n")
printf(SCR,"Final Score:%d",Score)

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