extended mem_copy()

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Hi all,

I have just finished a routine that may be useful to people
developing graphic engines, etc.
It is an extended form of mem_copy(). Here are the specifications for

After including the .E file, but before using the routine, you must
call the function set_up_emc(). It will return 1 if successful,
0 if it fails.

The basic routine is called like this:

se_mem_copy( kind , source_address, dest_address, width, height,
                          source_add, dest_add )

KIND is the type of copy to perform. A 1 is an ordinary memory move,
the same as mem_copy(). A 2 will copy all bytes from the source EXCEPT
those that equal 0. The last type, 3, will write bytes to the
destination ONLY if the byte already there is a 0.
Type 1 is the fastest, and should be used whenever possible.

SOURCE_ADDRESS is the address of the first byte to copy.
DEST_ADDRESS is the address of the first byte to begin writing to.

WIDTH is the number of bytes to copy in one "run". After one run of
bytes is copied, the value of SOURCE_ADD is added to the source
address, and the value of DEST_ADD is added to the destination
HEIGHT is the total number of "runs" to copy.

Using this routine, entire blocks of memory can be copied with one
single procedure call.

As an example, the following command (in graphics mode 19) will copy
the upperleft quarter of the screen to the bottom right, with only
one command:

se_mem_copy (1, #A0000, #A0000+32160, 160, 100, 320-160, 320-160)

Try changing the first parameter to 2 or 3, to see the different
effects you can perform.

There is one other way this routine can be used. It has the capability
of copying an entire group of blocks at once. You can allocate a
memory area and poke in the arguments above in order.
(Note: the first parameter must occupy only one byte, while the
other five require four bytes each, and must be poked
using the function int_to_bytes().)

If you place another group of parameters immediately following the
first, you can complete two copy operations at once, or three, etc.

You can make as long a list in memory as you like, but the list must
be terminated by a 0-byte. Place it where the copy type would be, if
you were adding another operation instead of the end of the list.

When you have made a list like this, call the procedure:

set_emc_address( ADDRESS )

Give the address of the first byte of your list of parameters.

To complete the operation, call e_mem_copy(). Note that it is NOT
preceded by the letter 's', as the single operation above is.

You must set the address before using the multi-move for the first
time, and then whenever you want to use a different address.


                Michael Bolin

----------------------------------------- Begin Ememcopy.e
include machine.e

sequence code
atom copy_address,single_ad

global function set_up_emc()
    if copy_address and single_ad then
        return 1
        return 0
    end if
end function

global procedure set_emc_address(atom address)
end procedure

global procedure e_mem_copy()
end procedure

global procedure se_mem_copy(integer kind,atom src,atom dest,atom width,
                             atom height,atom src_add,atom dest_add)
    sequence old

end procedure


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