Re: Action game!

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On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Eduardo Uemura Okada wrote:
>  Now , this is for you, Robert (Craig), and all that can answer it: can a
> programmer, with Euphoria, create and run an action game, like Videogame's
> games? A game, created in a pentium 166Mhz can run in a 486 - 66 Mhz with
> the same speed and playability?
>  And finally, can I write my own music in Euphoria, but please, without
> sound() routine?
>  I wait answer...

Check out
We've released 5 fast action arcade-type games for the PC's.  All of them
run full speed on a 486dx2-66, a couple run fine even on a 486-33.

Michael Packard
Lord Generic Productions
lgp at
A Crash Course in Game Design and Production

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