- Posted by "Carl R. White" Jul 08, 1997
I've just updated all of the Euphoria files on my web page, and now there's a simple explanation of what the files do in a readme. The whole bundle of them are also in a ZipFile called all.zip, and it's in the same directory as the unzipped files. Also, there's a few things on my DOS page that fellow Euphorians might find interesting. I have two batchfiles that turn zipfiles into directories and vice-versa. And plenty of other stuff... All things available *via* the URL below. BTW, I think I've fixed all the access permissions now! Let me know if you're having trouble. -- Carl R White | e-mail...: crwhite- at -comp.brad.ac.uk | finger...: crwhite- at -dcsun1.comp.brad.ac.uk | web......: http://www.student.comp.brad.ac.uk/~crwhite/ Anti-Spam and Uncle-Pek measures in place & .sig fixed too...