Re: Euphoria robots etc.

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Robert McDougal wrote:
>      The problem with a standard interface for the robots
> thing is that not everybody has the same system.  There are those
> of you who have the latest 400mhz computers with many megs
> of RAM, and there are probably those of you whose computers
> are worse than my 640K 386sx DOS system.  Until the real-time
> concept came up, the idea sounded fine.

The original idea from the web site was to submit programs which would
then be run on a single (Solaris?) computer to time them. This struck me
as not much fun (you never get to see your program run against anyone
and it all takes place a long time after you write and send in the code.
There's no feedback, so you can't learn from others.

I'm sure such a contest could be held for Euphoria. Anyone who is
willing to accept e-mailed code and run it could host the contest. It
doesn't interest me.
> More people can participate
> if that is not done.  The thought about penalties for taking to long
> to make a move has the same problem.  How would you make a 20mhz
> and a 400mhz computer be able to play against each other fairly?

Require the 400 mhz machine to run Windows 98.
Actually, that wouldn't work, it would never finish.
Better, we could write the "logic" as an include file, and send it
to a server (any one of the game players) who could run the whole thing
real time. Something like: include player1.e, player2.e....
and each .e has a function Player1Move()... etc. which examines the
situation and
returns its best move?

> Which brings us to what I think about the Qbasic'ly challanged
> e-mail.  I understand what the author of that meant, but for
> some things on older systems such as mine, QBASIC can beat the heck
> out of Euphoria, simply because it doesn't need to use the disk as
> virtual memory (it also can't, but that does let it run faster).

Euphoria doesn't need to use the disk, either. See CAUSEWAY NOVM.

> It is unfortunate that I can write a speed testing program on my
> computer, but can't actually write anything that can take advantage of that
> speed.
>My point:  Let's not discount to quickly the idea of NOT running the programs
>real >time.
>                            - Robert McDougal


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