Re: Those of us who are C'ly challenged :>

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>One main reason why I think that C is better then Eu is that you can
>stuff below the initial procedure. I.E.:

And this man thinks he knows what makes a language structured ?
If C is so very structured why the need for the OO to make C++
Have you ever used the switch statement ? Or wondered if there are
enough }'s ?
And since when is freedom of ordening (what you like so much about C)
considered structured.. and why do all C programs have such a fixed
indentation ? Why, is this structured language otherwise confusing to read ?
C is structured from a processor's view, not from an algorithm
It is structured is such way it can easily be translated to ASM.
Euphoria is much more structured and consistent..

Take a 'for' statement:
end_var = 10
for index = 1 to end_var do
    endvar = 1
end for

In Euphoria it will still go to 10 as it should..
In C however it will cycle through it only ONE time..
Can you image if it was a function call, or some other very expensive call ?

Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at

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