Re: Sprites

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Ralf said:

>Split the sprite up in pieces of horizontal lines and store the
>offset of every set of those lines. The use pixel to display every set.
>you want to poke () and do the bank-switches yourself, you're better
>replacing the {x,y} position wiht a fixed calculated position, an
offset to
>add to the begin offset in memory.
>This is the theory behind the compiled sprites in my GFX.
>Here I remade a simplified version of those routines:


>Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
>nieuwen at

That's not at all the way I do it and my way seems pretty fast:

Somebody (I can't remember whom) posted to the recent users contribution
page a certain "bitmap.e" which does stuff like extract a bitmap from a
larger bitmap given UL and LR points and insert a smaller bitmap into a
larger one.

Once you cut a peice (bm) out of the background the same size as your
sprite do something like this

temp = (sprite = 0)
temp = bm * temp
temp = temp + sprite

temp now contains the sprite with the background showing through where
the sprite is zero. you can now INSERT temp into the background where
you extracted bm from. Or at least show it that way on the screen.

I'm sure Ralf's way is good but this seems much simpler to me

Will whoever made "bitmap.e" please explain this better and take credit
for this cool set of routines.

Lewis Townsend
|\      ____ _     _     _ _    __
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|  \   ||_   ||  //||  //  || ||__\|
|   \  | _|  || // || //   || \___ \
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| |    \ \    ||__||  |/ | | \|
| |     \ \   | __ /     | |
| |______\ \  ||  \\     | |
|___________\ ||  ||     |_|
Keroltarr at

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