Re: Help with "facing" routine Oops
- Posted by lithex <lithex at POP.INTERGATE.BC.CA> Jul 01, 1998
Hi The first attempt at this didn't work very well. This one works better. >>>Start code atom theta constant PI=3.141592654 constant X=1 constant Y=2 function sangle(atom dx, atom dy) if dx=0 then if dy<0 then theta=3*PI/2 else theta=PI/2 end if else theta = arctan(dy/dx) end if if (dx<0 and dy>0) then theta=PI+theta end if if (dx<0 and dy<0) then theta=PI+theta end if if (dx>0 and dy<0) then theta=2*PI+theta end if return theta end function function Int(object x) return(x-remainder(x,1)) end function function determine_facing(sequence char_pos, sequence point) -- find the closest match of the 24 possibilites integer numfacings atom facing atom angle facing=0 numfacings=24 angle = sangle((point[X]-char_pos[X]),(point[Y]-char_pos[Y])) if angle != 0 then facing = (angle/(2*PI))*numfacings end if return (Int(facing)+1) -- 1 to 24 end function for x = 0 to 2*PI by PI/12 do ?determine_facing({cos(x),sin(x)},{0,0}) end for >>>End Code Bye Martin