- Posted by Lmailles <Lmailles at AOL.COM> Jan 26, 1998
The actual speed of the Euphoria interpreter seems heavily dependent on the type of code used. The boasts do seemed to be based on the efficient data structure (do not hold me to this one) and clever built in functions. When conventional structures are used speed gains over languages such as QBasic become much less significant (again, do not hold me to this one). I was wondering if anybody has done any comparisons between Eu and JIT-compiled Java, because the 7x speed gain may be annulled by this new development. Rob, have you ever considered going the next stage after tokenising and byte- coding and JIT-compiling things such as for loops, so that loops with a large number of repetitions can go a lot faster? I have no idea what it would be like to hack, is it a realistic possibility ? It might go down better than encryption, which by the way could be done by distributing the bound .ex randomly inside ex.exe - if you can hack that. Daniel