Re: greed corner

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At 04:52 PM 1/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
>As for the source to ex.exe/exw.exe, I would be willing to consider
>making it available someday, if I thought it would help the
>growth of Euphoria and wouldn't cut off my income. For example,
>I might be willing to make the "core" language source available
>(possibly for a fee), so other people could port it to Unix, Mac
>etc. I might strip out the highly DOS and Windows-specific code,
>so I wouldn't be giving away the DOS/Windows platforms.
An alternate idea:

More people, including the folks at RDS, might benefit if you could
provide a version of Euphoria which could "hook" to operating system calls.
Keep the inner workings secret, so they don't get trashed by our feeble
attempts to "improve" it, but still allow porting to lots of different

People who use Macs have few options for an inexpensive
programming language, and Linux folks pretty much have to
use C <gak> or perl, etc. none of which can claim simplicity,
much less safety. There are some other platforms out there,
also, although we don't hear much about them in our press
(not enough ad revenue, I guess).

I run Linux on my pc, but I just have no interest in spending
six months learning C just to write a (buggy) hello world prog.
Euphoria I _would_ use.

I would not surprise me if people (like the nice folks on this  list)
would develop the low-level interface code for their favorite
os and either contribute it to the public domain or sell it for a
modest price.

>BTW, Netscape announced today that their browser will now be
>free (not shareware) and they will make the source available for

Hmm... I can't wait for my chance to wade thru half a million
lines of code!

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