Re: determine volume serial number

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I've run across the information requested in BASIC, but am too stupid to make th
e translation:

--- START OF FILE ------------------------

' DISKID.BAS    reports disk volume and serial number from boot sector
'   Author:     Christy Gemmell (christy.gemmell at
'   Date:       12/4/1992
' Captured from alt.lang.basic newsgroup on July 20, 1995 and converted
' to PowerBASIC by Dave Navarro, Jr. (dave at

    TYPE ParaBlock
        Info  AS INTEGER                ' Call information level
        SerNo AS LONG                   ' Disk serial number
        Label AS STRING * 11            ' Volume label
        FlSys AS STRING * 8             ' File system type

    INPUT "Which drive - <Enter> for default"; D$

    GetDiskID D$, S$, V$, F$
    PRINT "Disk information for drive "; D$
    PRINT "----------------------------"
    PRINT "Volume label  : "; V$
    PRINT "Serial number : "; S$
    PRINT "File system   : "; F$

SUB GetDiskID (Drive$, Serial$, Volume$, FileSys$)
    DIM Para AS ParaBlock               ' Buffer for drive parameter block
    Para.Info = 0                       ' Information level always zero
    REG 1, &H440D                       ' Generic IOCTL device request
    IF Drive$ = "" THEN                 ' If no drive specified
       REG 2, 0                         '    then use default
    ELSE                                ' Otherwise convert
       REG 2, ASC(UCASE$(Drive$)) - 64  ' drive letter to number
    END IF                              '     A: = 1, B: = 2 etc
    REG 3, &H866                        ' Subfunction: get drive ID
    REG 8, VARSEG(Para)                 ' Segment of buffer
    REG 4, VARPTR(para)                 ' Offset of buffer
    CALL INTERRUPT &H21                 ' Invoke DOS
    Serial$ = HEX$(Para.SerNo)          ' Get serial number
    Volume$ = Para.Label                ' Get volume label
    FileSy$ = Para.FlSys                ' Get file system type

--- END OF FILE ------------------------

Here's a version that does a DIR command. Note that it only has minimal error ch

--- START OF FILE ------------------------

include file.e

function  read_serial( sequence from )

    -- read the serial number from a given disk

    integer handle
    sequence text

    -- do a DIR command and dump it to a file
    system( "dir " & from & " > junk.tmp", 2 )

    -- open the file
    handle = open( "junk.tmp", "r" )

    -- success?
    if sequence( dir("junk.tmp") ) then

        -- skip the blank line
        text = gets( handle )

        -- skip the volume name
        text = gets( handle )

        -- read volume serial number
        text = gets( handle )

        -- slice off the preceeding text
        text = text[26..length(text)]

        -- close the file
        close( handle )

        -- delete the temp file
        system( "del junk.tmp > NUL", 2 )

    end if

    return text

end function

-- try it out
puts( 1, read_serial( "c:" ) )

--- END OF FILE ------------------------

        -- David Cuny

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