I'm Taking Over Euphoria
- Posted by Mike The Spike <mtsreborn at yahoo.com> Feb 08, 2001
That's it... I'm sick and tired of breast-feading kids trying to make a reputation by saying they are me and then totally get it wrong... What I'm talking about is Euphoria projects being created inspired by my own projects, yet totally getting it wrong. Take Euphoria To C for example... I ran eu.ex, the Euphoria Interpreter by David Cuny and pointed it to Shell.ex... 15 sorts per second... Then I compile it to C and repeat the process... 30 sorts per second... Man, if that interpreter were written in C it would run at 1000 sorts per second! And this is the case for all benchmarks I try... Like compiling Shell.ex; I get twice the amount of sorts, WOAAH!! LET GO PORT HALF LIFE TO EUPHORIA NOW!!! Man, a shell sort benchmark written in C is 10 times faster than once written in Euphoria, not 2. And then there's the fact that I came to this list with U4IA++... And now when I abbandoned the projec, I still get people mailing me asking to release it.. Like Grape Vine who is in need of my C2E.exe; If I had released U4IA++, he would be able to get along with his work. Since U4IA++ has a built-in C interpreter. That's how it works. There is no 'U4IA++ Interpreter', there's only a U4IA++ To C Translator, who is also bound to a C interpreter to make a U4IA++ Interpreter. It was only a month before I abbandoned the project that I started work on a rael U4IA++ interpreter, because I designed an interpretation method making interpreted program run faster than any compiled program out there (thanks to dynamic recompilation in the interpreter core, and Task-Oriented Regeneration). So to make a long stroy short; Rob had Euphoria for almost 8 years and I never saw a Euphoria program in the stores. Now it's my turn. I will blow new life into U4IA++, even with the knowledge that no one will publish it now that I quit my job. I can publish it on my own, but I'd need money first. I will take U4IA++ to new grounds, in that I will develop it further with the input of Euphoria programmers, such as yourself. I have always worked on projects with the goal of producing something THE PEOPLE want, not what *I* want. My motto is "Make it good, make it cheap, make it fast". You won't be bugging for Feature X in U4IA++ or Feature Y, because you will need three months to recover from what you have allready seen. I will dig up and restyle my old Standard Library Files, wich provide multiplatform GUI, 3D graphics, multimedia, networking and database support. Many of these routines have being converted to U4IA++ from C automatically. And, I will rethink the price. 2000 dollars was a good price for a product endorsed by L&H, but right now nobody is gonna pay that much for a product by a guy called "Mike The Spike". Maybe 200 dollars would cut it? Considering it's more powerfull than Visual Studio (allthough even QBasic is more powerfull than Visual Studio :p). You will be coding Gameboy games, Playstation, Dreamcast, Linux, DOS32, Windows 95/98/2000/ME, Mac, BeOS, SGI and any other platforms I didn't mention, programs in Euphoria, with just a tad of new language enhancements to make it '++'. So people, buy Euphoria from RDS while you still can, because MTS is back on the block to kick some serious coder ass. Mike The Spike PS. Tip: Before NightShade became a Natural Language, it wasn't realy an assembly language, because a tiny spark in my mind decided to make it a Euphoria clone based on U4IA++, with C data types and a compiler and interpreter. I called this language 'Gothic NightShade'. It might be more powerfull if I change U4IA++ syntax to this NightShade clone syntax, because it maps to C with a 1-1 ratio, and is twice as fast as handcoded C in many cases, something U4IA++ is not. It's all up to you, remeber, you have input in this project this time around!