Re: IRC channel
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Feb 03, 2001
On 3 Feb 2001, at 11:22, Mike The Spike wrote: > > Eliza? > Isn't that an AI program you can download on the net? Not really Ai, just a basic see_trigger_phrase_and_reply sort of bot. alledgedly it's Rogerian psychotherapy,,, with the emphasis on psycho, imo. It's been ported from Apple to most puter languages, but not to mirc, thankfully, or we'd be seeing a lot more of it on irc. Re porting Eu to mirc, and vice versa, can't. Mirc has a goto, but no "while". Mirc has length-limited vars, but they aren't typed at all. Mirc has easy socks and gui coding. Mirc doesn't crash on assigning across var types. Mirc allows importing files to exec at any time by script. Eu can't exec variables, and hasto declare all it's vars by type. Eu enforces types, and crashes if you use the wrong one. Eu uses odd equal() and booleans must be atoms. Eu won't let you build var names within the script. Eu isn't inherently multithreaded in anything. Kat