Win32Lib 54.5 html doc: changed font styles part way through?
- Posted by Dan B Moyer <DANMOYER at PRODIGY.NET> Nov 28, 2000
Has anyone else noticed that the font style in the html doc for Win32Lib 54.5 changes part way through? I mention it because while some of it gets bigger, some other gets somewhat smaller and dimmer, which can make it hard for older eyes to read. Derek suggested it might be a browser font setting, but I'd think that would affect *all* text, not just some. It seems to start at "findChildren" ; "findText " is the first one I find which is in both 54.5 & 50 and displays one way in v50, and another in v54.5. I looked briefly at the html source, but couldn't find anything that looked like the cause of what I'm seeing. Dan Moyer