Re: Wrapper for Windows
- Posted by Ray & Debbie Smith <smithr at IX.NET.AU> Nov 20, 2000
Hi, ... everyone must be getting sick of hearing from me about the Allegro library I'm wrapping since it isn't even finsiehd!!! .... but here we go ... It allows files (wav's, midi's, bmps etc) to be combined into one ".dat" file that can distributed with your application. There is of course a cost of 2 DLL's that need to be in the current directory (or the path) that are about 250K in size (combined). This is all a bit of an overkill if you only used the datafile routines so here is another suggestion: You could combine all your bmp images into one big image and just distribute the one bmp file (if you wanted to you could rename it to something else eg .dat ... that won't stop anyone clever figuring out that it was a bmp of course! Then you could just blit out of the large image into the screen or your buffer. Ray Smith P.S. I also recall David Cuny writing a library for doing something similar but don't know if it was for dos only or not ... or even if it was David. ----- Original Message ----- From: White Eagle Software <whiteeagle at WHITEEAGLESOFTWARE.ORG> To: <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 4:51 PM Subject: Wrapper for Windows > I am makign a game for Windows, and do not want to distribute my graphics > in separate files, could anybody help me in creating a wrapper that put all > my files in a single win32 exe ?