Re: getc() ?? bug
- Posted by Derek Parnell <derekp at> Nov 20, 2000
> Derek: > > Thats the problem but it seems that if a user wanted to read > a text file that contained a right arrow character ( a printable > character ) the interpeter should not return a EOF. I say that > is a bug. > So blame the DOS designers. The interpreter is not wrong in this case. How can it know that for this specific text file, the ASCII-26 is not to be interpreted as EOF, but on others it is? And just because DOS has a glyph assigned to ASCII-26, does mean that it is a "printable" character according to ASCII or ANSI. Anyhow, the Euphoria behaviour is already documented. Here is an extract from the open() documentation. ---------------------------------- open() Syntax: fn = open(st1, st2) Description: Open a file or device, to get the file number. -1 is returned if the open fails. st1 is the path name of the file or device. st2 is the mode in which the file is to be opened. Possible modes are: "r" - open text file for reading "rb" - open binary file for reading "w" - create text file for writing "wb" - create binary file for writing "u" - open text file for update (reading and writing) "ub" - open binary file for update "a" - open text file for appending "ab" - open binary file for appending Files opened for read or update must already exist. Files opened for write or append will be created if necessary. A file opened for write will be set to 0 bytes. Output to a file opened for append will start at the end of file. Output to text files will have carriage-return characters automatically added before linefeed characters. On input, these carriage-return characters are removed. A control-Z character (ASCII 26) will signal an immediate end of file. I/O to binary files is not modified in any way. Any byte values from 0 to 255 can be read or written. ---------------------------------- If one needs to treat the bytes in a file in ways that are different from the "text file" interpretation, one must open it as binary and do one's own parsing. The built-in DOS commands work on the same principle. ----- cheers, Derek Parnell