[PRAISE] Thank you Robert!
- Posted by Stefan Jakobsson <stefan at JERRY.KATRINET.SE> Nov 15, 2000
I just felt that I had to do this.... I discovered Euphoria just 2 weeks ago, and lo and behold, I have fallen deeply in love with it. It allows me to test theories and algorithms at a pace that I wouldnt even dream about in either C or *shiver* Visual Basic. Not to mention the truly awesome number of applications/libraries that the "community" has come up with. I mean, it's easier to write DirectX applications with Euphoria and the correct lib than it is with any MS Visual stuff. And all this at the very low amount that you ask for Euphoria registration? Well, all I can say is... My check is in the mail! Kepp up the good work, and I look forward to contributing to the Euphoria community for many years to come. Regards, Stefan Jakobsson Stockholm Sweden "I don't have a life, I have a program" -- The Doctor, 'Voyager, Stardate: 49101.3'