For Robert Craig
- Posted by Aku <aku at> Nov 14, 2000
first, sorry for my bad english. euphoria is not very popular and no many euphoria programmers. there are very small number of commercial programs or free program that are popular written in euphoria. because people do not want distribute their program written in euphoria because it is interpreted and user will get problem executing the programs because user have to execute "c:\program files\my program\exw.exe c:\program files\my program\something.exw" in example for windows once the program is installed. although the command above can be executed easily by making a shortcut in start menu using the program's installer, but the program's installer can not easily distributed because it is not an .exe file and user must do the command line similar like above. so, maybe you should give unregistered user *a* program (not two or more) that 1. pack all include file *and* 2. shroud *and* 3. encrypt *and* 4. bind to an .exe file. just that, no any other option such as just do number 1, 2, dan 3 without 4, etc. just convert .ex, .exw, or .exu file to a single exe and hide the source code. you can get profit by selling the registered version with 300-lines limit removed, profile, shroud, etc and the translator. with distributable exe file using euphoria i believe euphoria will be very popular and better than any other language. thanks very much for your attention and i hope you agree.