nedit for Linux
- Posted by cense <cense at MAIL.RU> Nov 13, 2000
I dont know how many people really care about this but anyways... I recently came across a programmers editor for *lots* of UNIX flavours that has been around for a really long time. Its called "nedit" or "The Nirvana Editor" and i think its really quite amazing. The syntax coloring and macro functionallity is superb and its easy to work with. By far the best programmers editor i have ever worked with on any platform (not including IDEs) (I think there may be a WIN version but im not sure) I have so far made a syntax pattern for Euphoria (syntax coloring) and i will soon make some macros to do simple completion like "if..then..end" and "function..end function" and so on. I will look into making an official release of it to the nedit people. I recommed this editor to anyone using Linux/?WIN? for Euphoria. (or anyother language for that matter) the URL is: I know this was a pointless post but i though people should at least know of its existence and as an alternative to emacs, vi and other big name Un*x editors -- evil, corruption and bad taste ^[cense]