Re[2]: Benchmark Python vs Euphoria.
- Posted by akusaya at Jan 06, 2006
------------93EEF53EE0B6D7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit gb> I would be very interested to see how Java compares to Euphoria in benchmarks. gb> I cannot believe how much faster Java has gotten in the gb> last few years. The difference between Java and C++ really isn't gb> that significant now and Java even beats C++ for raw speed on a gb> subset of the benchmarks. Java is already faster than the .NET gb> platform on nearly all benchmarks. I'm also interested in this, so I made one. The java source is made as similar to the Euphoria's sieve.ex (still uses 0 and 1 instead of false and true, still uses 1-based arrays instead of 0, etc). And the results are: > d:\prog\eu-2.5\bin\exwc c:\euphoria\demo\bench\sieve.ex prime sieve benchmark ... 30816.7 sieves per second ... > java EuSieve prime sieve benchmark ... 96133.3 sieves per second ... Java 1.5 is 3x faster than Eu 2.5! And after that I realized that Eu 2.5 includes a different sieve.ex, so I made another one. > d:\prog\eu-2.5\bin\exwc d:\prog\eu-2.5\demo\bench\sieve8k.exw 90000 Prime Sieve Benchmark Count: 1028 time: 35.32 > java EuSieve2 90000 Prime Sieve Benchmark Count: 1028 time: 13.75 Java is still 3x faster... For your reference I attached the java files, with original Eu program as comments. BTW, both Java and Eu 2.5 uses bytecodes while running the program, why do you think Eu is so much slower? ------------93EEF53EE0B6D7 Content-Type: APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM; name=""