VE 1.01 feedback
- Posted by "Christian Cuvier" <Christian.CUVIER at> Sep 24, 2004
It works, and my antivirus didn't complain. Well, it obviously lacks some planned functionality, but this can be a hand= y tool. Just a few comments however: 1/ why does the "for statement" generates the incorrect "for i-1 to void do= =E9? Should be =. 2/ Nested for loops are created with the same loop index i, must be some sequencing scheme imho. And a dropdown "index list" to choose the needed lo= op index from, when inside a few levels of nested loops. 3/ "Lookup" button doesn't appear to do anything. Is this a known issue? 4/ Since Eu is crossplatform, supporting only win32lib seems to me a proble= m. Plans to also support EuGTK? Or, better and later, provide for an extension= mechanism to support future libraries? With some source files at hand, I could help getting these and others worki= ng, instead of flooding the author with requests. Otherwise it looks like an interesting project, potentially very useful. To= o bad that it was introduced to us this way. CChris