learning Euphoria
- Posted by david <studmeow at hotmail.com> Sep 21, 2004
A while back, I started an email list for beginners like me who were trying to get started learning Euphoria. I dropped out because people kept going off topic (although in a way it was my fault, because I set up too many topics for discussion). I posted a comment that there should be a science of semiotics for programming languages. Someone misunderstood my post & said it was an error in definition (I think). Isn't semiotics the study of how languages work? When I posted the message, I had in mind a book from Barnes & Noble (tho I can't recall the title or author) that said a language (human spoken) had a few basic concepts & that learning these was the key to learning any language. I wondered if the same logic can be applied to Euphoria? "It works better with power. The breaker was open at the board." -Robert Heinlein, Stranger In A Strange Land