Re: Euphoria needs more popularity!
- Posted by "Unkmar" <L3Euphoria at> Sep 16, 2004
DerekP made my point better than I did by removing his name from the list. but, Only after I took the time of making a large list of names. And sure, I left out a few names. I only when through the past 2 months of emails. And I didn't pick every single name. I intentionally skipped some known newbies. and intentionally picked a few others. Those that appear to have learn some hard things rather quickly. My point is that any list of people that should cast a vote about Euphoria would be short sited and pointless. Granted, I am flattered that my name made the initial list. But I was easily able to think of many other more important folks than myself. Pete Eberlein, Jason Mirwald, and Elliott Sales de Andrade are few of those names. They have contributed in many ways that I can only aspire to do. I'm aware that my simple site is likely one of the main reasons I was listed. It is extremely old. But has apparently aged well. unkmar PS: Chris Bensler did votedat, A long time ago.