Re: creating a game ... ? (help!)

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Lobelia Overhill wrote:

> what to do, at all. Nothing. Zip, Nada.  
> Opened Euphoria Editor, couldn't do anything, looked for a "how to use
> Euphoria"
> file, couldn't find one.  Couldn't find anything.  Maybe I was looking
> in the wrong place, or for the wrong thing ...
> What am I supposed to type? 
> Numbers? Letters? Sentences?

Ah, now we're getting somewhere 
You began by asking us a question not unlike "How may I navigate this 
747 from Sidney to London?", when what you really should have been asking 
is "why don't those airplane thingys fall from the sky?" 

Given the nature of your question, you shouldn't be surprised if people 
assumed you have considerable knowledge of the topic.

So really you need to accept the fact that writing a game, like piloting 
a jetliner, isn't where you start. Not even if you have access to several 
qualified instructors. And flew a kite once.:)

You need to start with very simple things. Once you clearly understand 
*each* of them, then you put them together (hundreds of thousands of them, in
case of the game you describe) to make the complete program. 
Even the most complex program is just a whole lot of simple things 
put together. In the right order. 

The first step is always this: write a "Hello World" program.

Open a plain text editor (notepad, if you are running Windows). Do not 
use Microsoft Word or Office!

type the following:

puts(1, "Hello World!")

Save your work under the name "hello.ex" (without the quotes)

Open a DOS window, and at the prompt, type "ex hello" (without the quotes).

On your screen you should see something like:
Hello World!

Sorry if this sounds patronising, but many people have trouble even getting 
that far. Perhaps they don't use a plain text editor, or because they 
can't open a DOS box, or because they don't have euphoria installed correctly, 
or any number of other mistakes. It's important to find out if the above 
works before going on, because all those steps are essential to writing and 
running any program, In any language. 


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