RE: Syntax hilighting editors
- Posted by kbochert at Feb 14, 2003
-------Phoenix-Boundary-07081998- You wrote on 2/14/03 5:59:07 AM: > >I am a collectionist of editors... >Well, at this time I will provide only a list of names. If you are >interested in some one you don't already have, I can provide the URL where >to download it or, in case this is not available, the file itself. >The list is as follows: Aurora, Daily Edit, Txt Viewer (it's really an >editor), Synth17, Text Pad, Note tab light, ConText, Ultra Edit, GWD, >Developers Pad, Crimson, txe290in, EDXOR, MDI Pad, Mike's Editor (MEDIT), >Super Editor, Extreme Pad, Code Genie, Inted, Note Pad Free, Note Pad and >half, Tryac. Not all of them are syntax highlighting editors, but I don't >remember which are at this very moment. I also have a bunch of old DOS >editors... >... Whew! Don't forget SciTe -- syntax highlighting and indenting, folding, Source code available and free. A windows binary is at (that's me), along with a (near)Euphoria syntax file. Karl Bochert -------Phoenix-Boundary-07081998---