Rob - bindw parms and small request
- Posted by Jonas Temple <jktemple at> Feb 13, 2003
Rob, I happened to issue bindw ? at the command line today and got the following usage: usage 1: bindw.bat [-scramble] [-icon iconfile[.ico]] [filename[.exw]] usage 2: shroud.bat [-scramble] [filename[.exw]] Press Enter to close window ... I thought -scramble was a 2.2 option? I'm using 2.3 and expected to see the -clear and -list options. Also, might it be possible in the future to have an option on bind/bindw to not require the enter key after completion? I would like to set up a .bat file or either a small program to bind all my .exw's in one step, without having to press the Enter key after each bind. Thanks! Jonas