Matt's ODBC wrapper and Mysql
- Posted by George Walters <gwalters at> Oct 20, 2004
Matt, I'm at a road block using your ODBC wrapper and Mysql. I'm getting "out of memory" reported from XP and the program then crashes with an ODBC error.I've tried this with several rather simple programs. I'm simply reading "next larger key" through an inventory file. Here's the function that reads next records:
recDb = execDirectODBC(dbId,"select * from " & openTbNames[t] & " where dbKey > \"" & lastKey[t] & "\" limit 1")
After about 15, 000 records out of 22,300 it croaks with the "out of memory" issue. I would think that this would not consume all the memory. I have about 150mb available before the program starts. Here's the read loop: I've rem'd out building the sort table trying to find if the memory issue was caused by my program. After this failure the XP computer performance is hosed and never recovers. I have to reboot to get it back.
dbRec = readNextDb (icBranch) -- ic Branch read next while not EOF[icBranch] do icbrKey = dbRec[1] icbrRec = dbRec[2] if icbrRec[icbrWhseNbr] = whseNbr then icmaRec = readDb(icMaster, icbrRec[1]) if not EOF[icMaster] then if equal(iccoRec[iccoCostCd], "S") then itemCost = icmaRec[icmaStdCost] else itemCost = icmaRec[icmaAvgCost] end if unitVol = round(max(0,icbrRec[icbrAvgMthlyUse])*12 * itemCost,0) totalVol += unitVol --sortKeys = append(sortKeys, sprintf("%9d",(999999999 - unitVol))) --fileKeys = append(fileKeys,{icbrKey}) setText(statusBar,"***** Calculating Sales Volumes ***** "&icbrKey[1..20]) else -- if no master then delete it?? tmp = message_box("Branch Item " & icbrRec[1] & " has no master file record","",0) end if end if dbRec = readNextDb (icBranch) -- ic Branch read next end while
I hope you have some idea to explain the of memory failure. The computer has 256Mb and there is about 150Mb available before the program launches. thanks for any help george