- Posted by Tone Škoda <tskoda at> Sep 24, 2005
Matt, I just wanted to mention that there is a problem in call_interface_ptr(), actually the problem is really in fptr.e in call_stdcall_proc(): First argument of MediaDet_WriteBitmapBits is double which is 8 bytes long. call_interface_ptr() expects that all arguments are 4 bytes long because it uses poke4(). It should use poke() and should take another argument: params_sizes. We are unable to call function with parameters which are char (=1 byte) for example. I think that it would be simplest if it would imitate the way Euphoria dll calling functions work: define_c_func... As I said I found workround but future people using EuCom will probably get confused over this. frame_pos_bytes = atom_to_float64 (frame_pos) retVal = call_interface_ptr (this, vtbl, MediaDet_WriteBitmapBits, -- split double into two atoms. bytes_to_int (frame_pos_bytes [1..4]) & bytes_to_int (frame_pos_bytes [5..8]) & {dest_width, dest_height, dest_fname_ptr})