Re: private include files
- Posted by Hayden McKay <hmck1 at> Oct 13, 2004
I dont think that it is really all that nessaccary to have global includes I like how you can make each include file run completely independant of other include files handled by the program. Each include file has its own set of decleared variables and routines. A global include would make all the functions/procedures, variables etc.. available to all the includes handled by the program, this would defeat the purpouse of a private include One could assume that there would be namespace and variable conflicts eg.. A highly complex program that uses eu's namespace feature or has its include files boudled in diferent directories would cease to run if a global include has also the same variable name procedure name etc... You also have to think about global varaiables used by the global include They would definatly make codeing a head-ache for people that want to use a downloaded include that uses a global, eg.. It might conflict with the users already programed code or includes since a global makes a whole perticular library global. So to me having a global include would just add some complexity to Euphoria's simple style of programming and would not really be any benifit to anyone.