Re: Generic demo does not break text when printing

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Derek Parnell wrote:
> mia wrote:
> > 
> > Hi:
> > My name is Mia, I am new to euphoria.  I was looking at the Generic demo, 
> > and no matter what I do. It will not print text correctly, the lines
> > are not broken so you lose the text if the line is too long.
> > 
> > I am new to programing so, I have not been able to figure out what
> > is wrong, the code looks fine, and it has the subs for breaking the code
> > so, I am sure why it does not work.  Does anybody have any suggestions?
> > 
> > Thank you in anticipation for your assistance,
> > Regards,
> > Mia
> Hi Mia,
> you are correct. It was really designed to show text on the screen
> but as it can print, it probably should do a better job of it. I'll
> fix this up soon.
> In the meantime, you might like to look into the drawText() function
> which is what would be used to break lines on word boundries.
> -- 
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia
Hi Derek: Thanks for your tip. I followed your advice, and using the drawtext
example I managed to
draw the text on the richedit, but, when I try to print all I get is a blank

Any ideas/

Many thanks,
------------------ Here is the code I used ----------
-------Iam using windowsxp and winlib v.0.6

PR = create( PushButton, "Print", Window1, 40, 530, 110, 30, 0),
RE = create( RichEdit, "", Window1, 20, 220, 560, 300, ES_NOHIDESEL)
   -- theWin = create( Window, "Resizable Text Window", 0, 0, 0, 400, 400, 0 ),
    SB     = create( StatusBar, "", Window1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    vBorders = {12,12,-18,-18},
    vText =
"Licence:" & 10 &
"This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty." &
10 &
"In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from " &
"the use of this software." & 10 &
"" & 10 &
"Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, " &
"including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it " &
"freely, subject to the following restrictictions:" & 10 &
"1.\tThe origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not " &
"claim that you wrote the original software." & 10 &
"2.\tIf you use this software in a product, acknowedgement in the product's " &
"documenation and binary are required." & 10 &
"3.\tAltered source versions, and works substantially derived from the it, " &
"must..." & 10 &
"\ta)\tbe plainly be marked as such," & 10 &
"\tb)\tnot be misrepresented as the original software," & 10 &
"\tc)\tinclude this notice, unaltered." & 10 &
"--------------------End of NOTICE------------------------*"

procedure Resize_theWin(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)
end procedure

procedure Paint_theWin(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)
    sequence lRect, lTextRect
    sequence drawn

    -- Find the size of the rectangle needed.
    lTextRect = textRect(RE, vText, {self, vBorders},

    lRect = lTextRect[3]
    lRect[1] -= 6
    lRect[2] -= 6
    lRect[3] += 6
    lRect[4] += 6

    -- Paint the background, and borders
    drawLines(RE, {Cyan, --getSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT),
                           {lRect[1],lRect[4], lRect[1], lRect[2]},
                       BrightCyan, --getSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW),
                           {lRect[1],lRect[4], lRect[3], lRect[4]},
                           {lRect[3], lRect[2]},
                       BrightBlue, --getSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW),
{w32True, lRect[1]+2,lRect[2]+2, lRect[3]-1,

    -- Set the text color and draw in the text.
    drawn = drawText(RE, vText, lTextRect[3],

    -- Show status message.
    setText(SB, sprintf("Height (in pixels): %d, Chars drawn: %d", drawn))
end procedure

procedure PR_onClick(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)

    if length(getPrinter()) > 0 then
        VOID = startDoc("RichText Printer Test")
        VOID = startPage()
        printRichText(Printer, RE, 0, -1, {0.5, 0.5, 2.5, 3, w32InchScale}, 1)
        VOID = endPage()
        VOID = endDoc()

    end if

end procedure
setHandler(PR, w32HClick, routine_id( "PR_onClick" ))
setFont(RE, "Times New Roman", 10, 0)
setHandler(RE, w32HPaint, routine_id("Paint_theWin"))
setHandler(RE, w32HResize, routine_id("Resize_theWin"))
setTextColor(RE, Black)
WinMain( Window1, Normal)

procedure Window1_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params
is ()

end procedure
setHandler( Window1, w32HClick, routine_id("Window1_onClick"))

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