Bugs in win32 lib
- Posted by Jindra <josef.jindra at worldonline.cz> Oct 07, 2004
There are some bugs into win32lib. If I use IDE under win32lib v. 0.60.6 under WIN98 there are next problems : 1. after start IDE, there is generated message about error code 461, it's known bug as I remember 2. after correcting file w32dll then IDE crashed with error in KERNEL32.DLL after clicking at desing form, it's caused by recursive calls of function setFocus from function fDoSetFocus, this bug arises by rewriting of funkcion findParentWindow in this version. This bug is visible only uder WIN98/ME becouse XP has a builtin mechanismus for prevent recursive cals. 3. after correcting function findParentWindow ( using the old version from v. 060.4 ) the IDE flipping whole main window foreground if user clicks into desing form, this same bug was in version 0.60.5, I don't know reason of this. Derek, please look at this bugs 2 and 3. Josef