Re: Create window? How?

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Greg Haberek wrote:
> Ya, Derek, that new scriptable interface is nice, but I still stick
> with the old, code-it-yourself stuff.

Yeah, I understand. What I wanted to do was enable people to code 
with the tools that suits them and their purposes. That's why win32lib
provides the coder with a number of different ways to build windows.

In the example I gave to this thread I wanted to show (as Irv did too), 
the dramatic difference that can librarys can provide, show I showed
the smallest working example of a buttoned window. Your example is 
perfectly sound too and thanks for providing an alternative.

Some people enjoy coding Windows programs using the low-level API
calls too. I believe that there is a nice example in the DEMO 
folder that comes with Euphoria. It weighs in a 254 lines and doesn't
even have a button!

You should see the new userInput() command that I've got coming in
the next version blink

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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