Re: 20gigabyte string searching
- Posted by jiri babor <jbabor at> Oct 04, 2004
Kat, my Euphoria is a bit rusty, I have not touch it for almost two years, but you might be interested in following code. Let me know if you are, in principle, because a number of substantial optimizations is still possible. jiri
-- kat.ex : version 1.00 -- jiri babor -- jbabor at -- 04-10-04 include file.e -- dir function search(sequence s, object key) -- binary search of sorted sequence -- return {flag, index}, where -- if flag = 1 ... key found at index -- if flag = 0 ... key not found, index is insertion point integer c,hi,lo,mid lo = 1 hi = length(s) while lo <= hi do mid = floor((lo + hi) / 2) c = compare(key, s[mid]) if c < 0 then -- key < s[mid] hi = mid - 1 elsif c > 0 then -- key > s[mid] lo = mid + 1 else -- key = s[mid] return {1,mid} end if end while return {0,lo} end function function pword(integer n) -- pseudo word: random ASCII string sequence w w = {} for j = 1 to rand(n) do w &= rand(26)+96 end for return w end function procedure hoard(sequence path, integer rid, sequence params, integer maxn) -- path: data directory -- rid: routine_id of function returning next address -- params: parameter sequence of rid -- maximum number of addresses held in single file object a,x sequence data,last,lasts,name,names,newname,r integer count,f,f1,f2,hits,m,m1,n,r2 count = 0 -- address counter hits = 0 -- address collision counter if path[length(path)] != '\\' then path &= '\\' end if x = dir(path) if atom(x) then puts(1,"Error: data directory does not exist. Aborting...\n") abort(1) else names = {} lasts = {} f1 = open(path & "names","r") f2 = open(path & "lasts","r") if f1 != -1 then -- initialized database while 1 do x = gets(f1) if atom(x) then exit end if x = x[1..length(x)-1] -- strip '\n' names = append(names, x) end while close(f1) lasts = {} while 1 do x = gets(f2) if atom(x) then exit end if x = x[1..length(x)-1] -- strip '\n' lasts = append(lasts, x) end while close(f2) end if n = length(names) end if -- main loop while get_key() != 27 do -- esc a = call_func(rid,params) count += 1 r = search(lasts, a) r2 = r[2] if not r[1] then -- not found among last addresses if r2 > n then -- address > last address of last data file if n = 0 then -- no data files yet n = 1 name = "1" -- new file name f = open(path & name, "w") puts(f, a & '\n') close(f) names = append(names, name) lasts = append(lasts, a) else -- append the last data file name = names[n] f = open(path & name, "a") puts(f, a & '\n') close(f) lasts[n] = a end if else name = names[r2] data = {} f = open(path & name, "r") while 1 do x = gets(f) if atom(x) then exit end if x = x[1..length(x)-1] -- strip '\n' data = append(data, x) end while close(f) r = search(data, a) if r[1] = 0 then -- not found: insert data = data[1..r[2]-1] & {a} & data[r[2]..length(data)] -- write it out m = length(data) if m > maxn then -- subdivide m1 = floor(m/2) newname = sprint(n+1) names = names[1..r2-1] & {newname} & names[r2..n] last = data[m1] lasts = lasts[1..r2-1] & {last} & lasts[r2..n] n += 1 f = open(path & newname, "w") for i = 1 to m1 do puts(f, data[i] & '\n') end for close(f) data = data[m1+1..m] end if f = open(path & name, "w") for i = 1 to length(data) do puts(f, data[i] & '\n') end for close(f) else hits += 1 end if end if else hits += 1 end if end while -- save control sequences f1 = open(path & "names", "w") for i = 1 to length(names) do puts(f1, names[i] & '\n') end for close(f1) f2 = open(path & "lasts", "w") for i = 1 to length(lasts) do puts(f2, lasts[i] & '\n') end for close(f2) printf(1, "%d addresses\n", count) printf(1, "%d collisions\n", hits) end procedure hoard("c:\\data", routine_id("pword"), {4}, 100)