Re: Help!!
- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at> Sep 30, 2006
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 12:29:25 -0700, Alex Chamberlain <guest at> wrote: >Can any one spot the mistake? Nope. I would have integer d, d=dat[i] for performance, and negate that test, for style, so it reads: if (d>='A' and d<='Z') or (d>='a' and d<='z').. ret&=d else res&='%'... but otherwise it looks fine and runs ok here. >It keeps generating machine exceptions. What version of Eu are you running on? Does trace(3) indicate the error line any better? For a long shot, try changing ret&= to ret=ret&, see if it makes any difference. Regards, Pete