Re: Linux Torvalds on GPL2
- Posted by Chris Bensler <bensler at> Sep 26, 2006
Mario Steele wrote: > Allright, there seems to be some mis-conceptions in which I belive needs to > be marked out here. The major thing being the line in which the GPL, and LGPL > consideres Derivitive, and such codes. I'd like it to be PD just so I don't have to worry about all this junk. If people want to protect their modifications, they can do that. If a person creates a closed-source commercial app with the PD source. The source is still PD. They shouldn't be forced to redistribute it or disclose their changes. Rob already stated that he was considering releasing it as PD but wanted input from others, so it doesn't sound as though he is concerned about somebody capitalizing off it. Sounds like everyone else is concerned about it for him. PD would resolve all the disagreements we are having now. People could fork a GPL version and an LGPL and MPL and BSD and etc, etc. The official openEu could choose to go with one of those EULA's as well, while still allowing others their freedom to choose what they want to do with their own code.