Re: My View on the License issues (PD's why)
- Posted by Ray Smith <ray at> Sep 24, 2006
Jeremy Peterson wrote: > I just had to reply to this. > What about this bright young spark? What if he does make a few dozen great > changes so people use it and buy it from him? That would be fine with me. > > All of a sudden - nothing would happen. Some people would buy it from him(big > maybe), most probably wouldn't. > > If people want to buy a modified version of Euphoria that has features they > like that they can't get anywhere else, sounds okay to me. > > There would still be the PD version of Euphoria available, so what's the prob > lem? > > Jeremy You are only looking at half the problem. Why would I put work into Open Euphoria if I knew someone else could come along, take all the hard work done by Rob and others and add a few extra things on top and start selling it. They aren't just selling their changes, they are selling everyone elses as well. Really ... in this day and age I don't know anyone (except Microsoft) who are making closed source langauges. Sun are even open sourcing Java ... why do you think this is? Because the community is bigger then the individual. Being true to the community will get Euphoria far further then any indivual ever will. Regards, Ray Smith