Re: Resurection of routine_id forward referencing
- Posted by Alan Oxley <fizzpop at> Sep 20, 2006
Sorry Greg, but I must disagree. For myself, I would like have the ability to code things in the order that I prefer - not the order that someone else decides is good coding practice. Its the euphoria parsers job to figure it out - if that means multiple passes through the code then so be it. You can code the way you want - lets allow everyone that same liberty. If my code is not pretty for someone else, too bad. Unless the someone else is paying for my code and has stipulated the style up front - again, too bad. I code things to get something done, not to teach coding style, so will code in the way that makes the most sense for me. IMHO, you are not "breaking the core functionality of Euphoria" since you can do things the way you have always done. Old code still works, therfore nothing is broken. Its the simple principle: allow a coder to choose his own style, don't enforce it. Thats my take on "goto" also. Mail me privately if you want. Cheers Alan