To: Dave, Derek, Dan, Rob and all who are upgrading EU
- Posted by Gene Mannel <mgene2 at GJ.NET> Oct 11, 2000
Hi All you fine folks, Ive only been here for a month now but I'd like my two cents entered into how some want to change the way sequences, objects, atoms are acted upon by comparison operators etc. The speed and ease of learning EU is the reason I love EU.but not for the sake of speed But Im concerned that if you go the road of letting the interperter decide how a sequence, atom, object etc. should be compared in rational statements and ETC, you are going to slow down EU to a crawl. Im sure that is why Rob made it the way it is to help keep the processing speed up. Learning to write correct if statements is NOT that hard even for me and Im just an old grandpa. It seems to me if you try to make EU look and run like, Ahem!, Microsoft basic then we might as well go back to it. NOT!!! It looks to me like that people who want to write fast programs would be willing to sacrifice a moment of time to learn to use sequences, atoms and the works.! There is no way you can make rational statemnts which decide how to act on a variable without slowing down the process. Think about it. I know that much and Im not a professional programmer. Thanks Gene