Createdir and RemoveDir functions
- Posted by OtterDad <otter at FULL-MOON.COM> Oct 08, 2000
here is a modified program - i used Jeffrey Fielding's and added a CreateDir and a RemoveDir function. tested code follows. there are lots of comments and pause statements in it to you can see it as it works - enjoy! -- Written by Waldo 10-08-00 otter at -- all code is freely usable. use at your own risk. your mileage may vary. -- demo program to show win32api calls to Create and Remove Directories -- copy, move, and delete files -- ************************************************************************** -- these are standard euphoria includes - MUST be included to make -- copyfile, movefile, deletefile, CreateDir and RemoveDir work include file.e include machine.e include dll.e -- ************************************************************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- this list of optional functions only needed to make demo coding easier -- prints a simple sequence to screen with a carraige return global procedure printscreen(sequence text) printf(1,"%s\n",{text}) end procedure -- prints a simple sequence to screen WITHOUT a carraige return global procedure printscree(sequence text) printf(1,"%s ",{text}) end procedure -- only needed to make my pause function work include get.e -- pause for user input - normally used during debug phase global procedure pause() atom t printscreen("Program paused - Press x to exit, any key to continue ") t=wait_key() if t=120 or t=88 then abort(1) end if printscreen("") end procedure -- optional functions end here -- ************************************************************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- Win32 file functions by Jeffrey Fielding (JJProg at -- All return 1 if success, 0 if not -- success = DeleteFile(filename) -- success = MoveFile(old, new) -- success = CopyFile(old, new, failIfExists) -- failIfExists is 1 if you want it to cancel if new already exists -- 0 if you want it to overwrite new constant KERNEL32 = open_dll("kernel32") if KERNEL32 = 0 then puts(1,"Couldn't open kernel32.dll.\n") abort(1) end if constant pDeleteFile = define_c_func(KERNEL32,"DeleteFileA",{C_POINTER},C_LONG) constant pMoveFile = define_c_func(KERNEL32,"MoveFileA",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER}, C_LONG) constant pCopyFile = define_c_func(KERNEL32,"CopyFileA",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER, C_LONG},C_LONG) global function DeleteFile(sequence name) atom a object r a = allocate_string(name) r = c_func(pDeleteFile,{a}) free(a) return r end function global function MoveFile(sequence exists, sequence new) atom a, b object r a = allocate_string(exists) b = allocate_string(new) r = c_func(pMoveFile,{a,b}) free(a) free(b) return r end function global function CopyFile(sequence exists, sequence new, integer failIfExists) atom a, b object r a = allocate_string(exists) b = allocate_string(new) r = c_func(pCopyFile,{a,b,failIfExists}) free(a) free(b) return r end function -- ************************************************************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- CreateDir and RemoveDir by Waldo 10-08-00 otter at -- based on Jeffrey Fielding's code found in -- success = CreateDir(tocreate,securityinfo) -- note: always pass "" as second parameter -- success = RemoveDir(toremove) constant pCreateDir = define_c_func(KERNEL32,"CreateDirectoryA",{C_POINTER,C_INT}, C_LONG) constant pRemoveDir = define_c_func(KERNEL32,"RemoveDirectoryA",{C_POINTER},C_LONG) global function CreateDir(sequence tocreate, sequence security) atom a, b object r a = allocate_string(tocreate) b = allocate_string(security) --r = c_func(pCreateDir,{a,b}) -- pass it a null as the security pointer and it works fine r = c_func(pCreateDir,{a,0}) free(a) free(b) return r end function global function RemoveDir(sequence toremove) atom a object r a = allocate_string(toremove) r = c_func(pRemoveDir,{a}) free(a) return r end function -- ************************************************************************** -- ************************************************************************** -- this is not my code and i can't remember where i found it -- Apologies to the original Author for not being able to give proper credit -- return path portion of sequence path\\file.ext WITHOUT the final "\" -- example get_path("c:\\temp\\test\\testfile.dat") returns "c:\temp\test" global function get_path(sequence name) integer bslash bslash = 1 for t = length(name) to 1 by -1 do if name[t] = '\\' then bslash = t exit end if end for return name[1 .. bslash - 1] end function -- return filename portion of sequence path\\file.ext WITHOUT the leading "\" -- example get_name("c:\\temp\\test\\testfile.dat") returns "testfile.dat" global function get_name(sequence name) integer bslash bslash = 1 for t = length(name) to 1 by -1 do if name[t] = '\\' then bslash = t exit end if end for return name[bslash+1 .. length(name)] end function global function make_dir(sequence dir_name) -- make a dir plus any parent directories sequence path -- sequence cmd atom lendir,temp,result result = 0 -- strip off trailing "\" if present lendir = length(dir_name) if equal("\\",dir_name[lendir..lendir]) then dir_name=dir_name[1..lendir-1] end if -- only attempt the create if it doesn't already exist if atom(dir(dir_name)) then path = get_path(dir_name) -- create parent directories if necessary if length(path) > 0 then temp = make_dir(path) -- orig system code replaced by CreateDir function -- cmd = "mkdir " & "\"" & dir_name & "\"" -- puts(1, cmd & '\n') -- system(cmd, 2) if CreateDir(dir_name,"") then -- uncomment next line to see dirs created on the fly --printscreen(dir_name & " created") result = -1 else -- uncomment next line to see dirs created on the fly -- printscreen("couldn't create " & dir_name) end if end if end if return result end function -- ************************************************************************** global constant false=0, true=not false atom filenum sequence origfile,newfile,testdir,testdir2,testfile1,testfile2,testfile3 testdir = "c:\\qwert\\test\\" testdir2 = "c:\\qwert\\" origfile = "testfile.dat" newfile = "testfile2.dat" testfile1 = testdir & origfile testfile2 = testdir & newfile testfile3 = testdir2 & origfile -- create a test directory to play with if make_dir(testdir) then printscreen(testdir & " created") pause() else printscreen(testdir & " ** NOT ** created") pause() abort(1) end if -- make a file to play with filenum = open(testfile1,"w") if filenum = -1 then printscreen("couldn't create " & testfile1) pause() abort(1) else printf(filenum,"%s\n","garbage goes here") close(filenum) printscreen(testfile1 & " created successfully") pause() end if -- first copyfile should work just fine if CopyFile(testfile1,testfile2,true) then printscreen(testfile1 & " copied to " & testfile2) pause() else printscreen(testfile1 & " ** NOT ** copied") pause() abort(1) end if -- this copyfile should fail because the new file already exists if CopyFile(testfile1,testfile2,true) then printscreen(testfile1 & " copied to " & testfile2) pause() abort(1) else printscreen(testfile1 & " ** NOT ** copied to " & testfile2) printscreen("because " & testfile2 & " already exists") pause() end if -- now move the new file to the parent directory if MoveFile(testfile2,testfile3) then printscreen(testfile2 & " moved to " & testfile3) pause() else printscreen(testfile2 & " ** NOT ** moved") pause() abort(1) end if -- now delete the files so we can exit cleanly if DeleteFile(testfile1) then printscreen(testfile1 & " deleted") pause() else printscreen(testfile1 & " ** NOT ** deleted") pause() abort(1) end if if DeleteFile(testfile3) then printscreen(testfile3 & " deleted") pause() else printscreen(testfile3 & " ** NOT ** deleted") pause() abort(1) end if -- and finally remove the test directory if RemoveDir(testdir) then printscreen(testdir & " removed") pause() else printscreen(testdir & " ** NOT ** removed") pause() end if printscreen("program complete") pause()