Re: WordWrap in MleText
- Posted by Derek Parnell <dparnell at BIGPOND.NET.AU> Oct 09, 2000
> You probably have a good reason, but why *wouldn't* you want word wrap in an > editor? The Windows word wrap is a visual thing. It doesn't actually insert CR into your text. It depends on the size of the control containing the text. Some editors allow you to set a limit (say 72 characters) regardless of how you may have sized the display control. With Window's MleText or RichEdit, your text lines could actually be very long, but only appear short. For editing program code this is probably not what you want. For editing prose though, this is most likely exactly what you want. Judith, can I suggest you use RichEdit for the code editor but without word wrap. This allows you to edit very large files and still have line length in the programmer's control. Plus it makes color-coding easier. ----- Derek