Re: Comparing Sequences
- Posted by Al Getz <xaxo at AOL.COM> Oct 07, 2000
To Derek (and others): Derek wrote: >> For example... function tester(atom X, atom Y) return (functionOne(X) = functionTwo(Y)) end function There is no way you can tell if this function returns an atom or a sequence, unless you find out what functionOne() and functionTwo() return. Is this a problem? Maybe, maybe not. Just thought I'd mention it though. << I've noticed this a long time ago, but it isnt an issue of comparison. For example, take the same function 'tester' and simplify it: function tester(atom X) return functionOne(X) end function and still cant tell what tester() returns. I wont go as far as to say its a problem though, as it does allow one to return 'objects', a 'feature' i wouldnt want to go without. Second point: Some functions are better off with the ability to return an object, rather then a particular sub type (atom, sequence). For example: --Sqrt(object a) is a function that returns the sqrt of a number with -- real or complex result object x,a a=4 x=Sqrt(a) --returns 2 a= -4 x=Sqrt(a) --returns {0,2} a={-3,4) x=Sqrt(a) --returns {1,2} Here the return value depends on the users input and has to be an atom or a sequence. Thats one reason why i like to be able to retain the ability to return objects. I think this is an advanced feature of the language. True you could default to all sequences, but i think then that would over-complicate the calculations on simple numbers. BTW im in favor of extending the syntax to allow comparisons on sequences as well i.e. "Thisa"="Thata" returns false "Thisa"=This" returns false "This"="" returns false ""="" returns true {"This","That"}={"This"} returns false "A"={65} returns true 'A'={65} returns false "AB"={65,66} returns true etc. although i would like to see the double equal sign come in like other languages: if "This"=="That" then dosomething() end if making comparisons stand out from assignments a bit more. --Al ps. i should be posting a math library soon that has many more examples.