Re: I don't expect solution... but,

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Here's a polygon procedure I've been working with recently.  It draws
only four sided polygons though.  It works with a single color or a
tiled bitmap like my fill procedure.  It breaks the polygon down into
horizontal strips and scans the endpoints downward along the edges.  The
vertices are in a fixed-point format, so multiply pixel values by
65536.  The upper and right side of the polygon is clipped so that two
polygons, sharing two vertices, will not overlap when drawn.  Pretty
weird, huh?

---- here's the code ----

function get_slope(sequence p1, sequence p2)
    integer denom, dx
    denom = floor(((p1[2] > p2[2]) * 2 - 1) *
        (p1[2] - p2[2]) / 65536) + 1
    dx = floor((p2[1] - p1[1]) / denom)
    return {p1[1] + floor(dx * and_bits(-p1[2], 65535) / 65536), dx}
end function

procedure poly(object tile, sequence vertices)
-- draws a filled four-sided polygon
-- tile may be an atom for a solid color
--  or a 2-d sequence of pixels to be tiled
-- vertices is a length-4 sequence of length-2 sequences
--  of fixed point coordinates
--  floor(vertice / 65536) is the pixel position
--  remainder(vertice, 65536) is the fractional pixel value

    integer boty, y2, y3, y4, x1, x2, temp
    sequence line1, line2

    -- rotate vertices, so first position is highest on screen
    while (vertices[1][2] > vertices[4][2])
       or (vertices[1][2] > vertices[3][2])
       or (vertices[1][2] > vertices[2][2]) do
        vertices = append(vertices[2..4], vertices[1])
    end while
    -- find the bottommost vertice
    boty = floor(vertices[2][2] / 65536)
    if floor(vertices[3][2] / 65536) > boty then
        boty = floor(vertices[3][2] / 65536)
    end if
    if floor(vertices[4][2] / 65536) > boty then
        boty = floor(vertices[4][2] / 65536)
    end if

    -- calculate starting x-positions and rates of change
    line1 = get_slope(vertices[1], vertices[2])
    line2 = get_slope(vertices[1], vertices[4])

    -- precompute critical y-values
    y2 = floor((vertices[2][2] + 65535) / 65536)
    y3 = floor((vertices[3][2] + 65535) / 65536)
    y4 = floor((vertices[4][2] + 65535) / 65536)

    for y = floor((vertices[1][2] + 65535) / 65536) to boty do
        -- test for a vertice
        if y = y2 then
            line1 = get_slope(vertices[2], vertices[3])
        end if
        if y = y4 then
            line2 = get_slope(vertices[4], vertices[3])
        end if
        if y = y3 then
            if boty = floor(vertices[2][2] / 65536) then
                line2 = get_slope(vertices[3], vertices[2])
                line1 = get_slope(vertices[3], vertices[4])
            end if
        end if
        x1 = floor(line1[1] / 65536)
        x2 = floor(line2[1] / 65536)
        if atom(tile) then
            -- solid color
            if x1 < x2 then
                pixel(repeat(tile, x2-x1), {x1,y})
                pixel(repeat(tile, x1-x2), {x2,y})
            end if
            -- tiled bitmap
            if x1 > x2 then
                temp = x1  x1 = x2  x2 = temp
            end if
            if x1 < 0 then  x1 = 0  end if
            for x = x1 to x2 do
                pixel(tile[1+remainder(y, length(tile))]
                    [1+remainder(x, length(tile[1]))], {x,y})
            end for
        end if
        line1[1] = line1[1] + line1[2]
        line2[1] = line2[1] + line2[2]
    end for
end procedure

function rotate(sequence s, atom a)
    atom sine, cosine
    sine = sin(a)
    cosine = cos(a)
    for i = 1 to length(s) do
        s[i] = s[i] * cosine + {s[i][2],-s[i][1]} * sine
    end for
    return s
end function

include graphics.e

for a = graphics_mode(19) to 255 do
    poly(a, floor(65536*(repeat({a+50,100},4)+
end for

---- code ends ----

This doesn't do the virtual paging or the number of vertices originally
requested by Lee woo seob, but hopefully someone can use this to come up
with a solution.

Pete Eberlein <xseal at>

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