converting carriage return

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Hello to group!

I am trying to encrypt a file, using a simple xor routine on each
byte in it.
I find that carriage return-line feed is not converted correctly using getc(),
and can't figure out a fast way to do this.

-- my code

procedure input()
    integer file_in
    integer file_out
    char char_in
    char char_out
    file_in = open("", "r")  --file must exist
    file_out = open("x.out","w") --output file
--loop through
while 1 do
    char_in = getc(file_in)
    if char_in = -1 then
      --get out of the loop at end of file
    end if
    char_out = xor_bits(char_out, #10)
    -- write to file

end while
end procedure
If I do a simple gets, puts the two files are the same,
but if I try to convert each 'char', then the
carriage return/line feed combination is not separated
into two bytes, and is not written correctly (the x0D part
(carriage return)) is lost.

If you can help please email me at dae at

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