wxEuphoria woes

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I've been messing around with wxEuphoria recently trying to learn it (if I'm
going to use GUIs they're going to have to be cross-platform) and I've writen a
simple program that just displays my TODO list in a window. However, after
leaving it running for a few seconds in MS Windows or moving the window the
Windows Task Manager says that EXW.EXE is using around 50% of my CPU (it starts
at 0%) which causes the screen to lock up at times (I have to ctrl-alt-delete and
kill it when that happens). All the program does is open a file and show its
contents so I'm wondering if this is caused by a bug in wxEuphoria or my code or
if that's just how wxEuphoria acts.

Here's my code:

without warning

include wxEuphoria.e
include wxGraphics.e

constant TASKS_FILE = "TODO.txt"

integer fn
fn = open(TASKS_FILE, "r")
if fn = -1 then
    fn = message_box( sprintf("Can't open file %s.", {TASKS_FILE}), "", 0 )
end if

sequence tasks
tasks = {}
object line

line = gets(fn)
while sequence(line) do
    tasks = append(tasks, line)
    line = gets(fn)
end while

constant FRAME = create(wxFrame, {0, -1, "TODO list", -1, -1, 200, 200})
constant WINDOW = create(wxPanel, {FRAME})

procedure print_tasks(atom this, atom event, atom it, atom event_type)
    atom dc
    dc = create( wxPaintDC, {this})

    for i=1 to length(tasks) do
        wx_puts({this, 0, (i-1) * 15, dc}, tasks[i])
    end for
end procedure

set_event_handler(WINDOW, get_id(WINDOW), wxEVT_PAINT,

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