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Greetings fellow Euphorians,

        I got a copy of Euphoria about a month ago and set about writing my
first program. That lasted about 2 hours until I ran up against my first
hurdle; using the mouse in hi-res screen modes. So I wrote an include file
called HRMouse.e to facillitate this. It's flicker free, supports
drag-boxes, entirely replaces the old Mouse.e file and it's available from
The Official Euphoria Programming Page. Please check it out and E-Mail my
any comments, queries, suggestions or good jokes.

It's a pleasure to make your collective aquaintance.

Graeme Burke,     Brisbane.  Austraila.
-----<graemejb at>-----

P.S. make sure the mouse.BMP file is in the same directory as the HRMdemo.ex
file or the demo wont run.

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