Re: Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen

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> Hello!
> I am officially doing a silly thing.
> I am flaming Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen.
> You are an obnoxious little brat.
> Don't you know better than to annoy poor pitiful
> people like me.
        How did I annoy you???
        Jiri started to insult me, and insulted him back, now he is leaving
because no one helped him, and i am now a obnoxios little brat.
        Make little sence too me.

> If I could I would shake my fist and YELL at you.
> I would do all kinds of silly looking things to
> make the point that I am mad at you.
> Not only would everyone on the Euphoria list know
> that I was irritated but you would then realize
> what it takes to irritate me and if you so desired
> you could do it again just to see my face turn red
> with anger.
        Why are you interferring anyway, i'm doing this on the list server
because Jiri does too, i would prefer too settle things between me
and Jiri by private mail instead of making insults about each other
to other people on this list.

        I am really sorry that your mad too, but maybe that's what Jiri was
trying to accomplish, to hit me back hard, cause i am the stupid kid
that kicked Jiri of the list....

        I really wich Jiri would act more mature and talked to me privately
and told me what he has against me. We're now just in a public battle
using everybody on this list to hit the other as hard as we can,
trust me Jiri is still on this list, he just posted the message so
you (and many others) would hate me.....

        Well, my apologies to you and all who find this thing between me and
Jiri annoying but I didn't start it and i'm not going to give in and
take such insults...

Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at

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