Palettes and Painting Programs

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Sorry everybody for my "empty" (just had some quotes) message...

>> palette of your game in a file and then make PSP adapt an image with a
>> different palette to this previously saved palette almost without
>> quality (depending on the difference between the two palettes, off
>> and you can change each RGB values of a color, etc...
>cool, but how does it work with animations?  can you load in 50 frames
>have it generate a optimal palette for the animation?  I haven't played
>with it.

No, it can't, but this feature is useful only for the first animation or to
find the best pallete for a group of images, because since your game uses
only one palette, you load all your frames and make PSP adapt the palette
of the image to the palette of your game.
But you can create a big empty image and then paste the frames (if each
frame was done separately and each one has a different palette) on this
image so PSP will automaticaly adapt the palette of the pasted image to the
empty image.
Ricardo Niederberger Cabral
rnc at

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